Monday, March 30, 2009

I love you, Dairy

Thanks for all the advice, everybody. We ended up getting the gripe water from Walgreen's, although my friend Melanie tells me they have it way cheaper at Nature's Finest.

The doctor said Lacey doesn't have reflux because she doesn't have the symptoms at all before the late afternoons. She doesn't have colic every day which is a good thing. When she has it, she seems like she's in pain from all the gas. So it has been suggested to me that I need to give up dairy foods or eat way less of it. I know it's probably good advice, but I'm so dang selfish and since she doesn't seem to have it everyday and we don't know if it's caused by dairy, I'm having trouble abstaining.

Let's discuss my love affair with dariy foods:

1. Milk with my cereal is an obsession. I feel sad and lost when I think about eating something else. Oatmeal could work except that I love to drench it in milk.

2. CHEESE . Why do I love cheese so much? Almost anything can be made better wiith cheese. Ahhh, cheese crisps, grilled cheese sandwiches, pizza. Most people have hobbies. These are my hobbies. They have doctors for this, I know. Feel sad? Have a cheeze-it!

3. Ice cream! Oh man, what I wouldn't give for a Blizzard right now. I have been passionate about Dairy Queen since they started all their new commericals a couple of months ago.

4. Yogurt. I could eat this twice a day. Yo-plait is the best. Isn't Go-gurt a delightful invention? I've never bought it but I've had it many a time.

Ok, can't think of anymore. But you guys get the picture. I'm thinking I'll just experiement with eating less of it but no go off completely.

Do I need to give up chocolate??? What's your experience with dairy?


Christa Jeanne said...

Hi, Cassie dear!

I've learned that it is, in fact, possible for a dairy-lover to minimize dairy intake and still survive. Dairy makes me stuffy, which is no bueno when I'm singing (which I'm doing a lot these days), so I've more or less cut it out. Not completely, but I've way cut back, and I don't really notice it that much. Instead of munching on cheese, I go for pita chips and hummus (bless you, Trader Joe's). They have soy ice cream sandwiches that are pretty good, too. Of course, I'm not naturally a milk drinker, so I can't help you there, but try giving almond milk or rice milk a shot. Good luck!!!!

Bobbi Jo Nichols said...

How about using soy milk. You can go to sprouts and get all kind of dairy free products that are just as good as milk. Plus the soy is great for us ladies, keeps our bones healthy and strong.
Good luck. Hugs, Bobbi Jo

Jaclyn said...

Yeah, I would have a hard time giving up dairy foods. And if you do end up liking soy, good for you. I think it's gross :)

The Frosts said...

The most important question is, have you ever had a frozen Gogurt? They are delightful. I don't really notice a difference in Emersyn when I have a lot of dairy, but everyone is different. I would just right down what you're eating for a couple of days in a row, and pay attention to how Lacey responds to the food you eat. I think most babies get really fussy in the late afternoon, early evening time of day. I'm basically trying to rationalize your dairy eating, so go for it. I love me some cheese!

The Frosts said...

I meant write, not right!

Scott and Kim said...

I had to give up dairy for that infection I had, but Bryce's reflux was just as bad without the dairy. It may not be related, but you can test it and see if it helps. Soy is ok for you, but not in high doses. I am on dairy again, but if I drink milk, my nose runs too much and it bothers my allergies (but not other dairy). So I use brown rice milk. It's ok tasting, but at least I'm not miserable afterwards. Good luck!