Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ups and Downs of Motherhood

Wow, it's been awhile since I've been on here. Cameron has done such a fabulous job of keeping it up for me. I'm so grateful to all you guys for commenting too. It's so sweet of you guys when I am such a blog-reading slacker and never make comments. I'm behind in blog reading but I will catch up!

Well, I could never think of what I was going to say on here. I like to find some sort of comedic material.

I finally got the inspiration to write when I was watching "Fools Rush In" a couple of mornings ago at about 3 am. That's the one with Matthew Perry and Selma Hayek. She was playing a mom giving birth on the side of the road on top of Hoover Dam. When she had the baby and they put the baby on her chest, all the memories came flooding back. I even cried. So here's to the ups and downs of new motherhood!


-The pushing ends! That miserable feeling of losing all your strength completely every 3 minutes is over. (plus, my epidural had worn off somewhat and I could feel some of the pain and it wasn't pleasent. I know, you natural birth people are saying : You wimp!!)

-They put this purple, wet baby on your chest. The first thought was just relief that she was out. Huge relief! I felt bad that I wasn't bawling my eyes out with joy yet. Is that abnormal? But it's such a miracle and when I look at her now it blows my mind that she lived in my tummy.

-The gassy smile of a baby. Yes, it may have nothing to do with you. But you can pretend it does and it's awfully cute.

-When you're changing their diaper and you happen to catch that explosive poop coming out so it doesn't get all over you. That's victory, man.

-A cuddly head resting on your shoulder

-Watching your husband be so incredibly sweet with the baby, love her, and be the best daddy for her

-Mom's, sisters, grandmas, etc to help you hold her. and a Grandpa (my dad) who does research and calls us to help us figure out how to help her

-when you get four hours of sleep in a row!

Downs of motherhood:

-Colic!!!!!!!!!!!! Anybody experience this? What did you use? We got some drops from Walmart and we might go get some Gripe water but we're not sure where to go.

-Explosive poop that lands on you and soaks your pajamas and the baby's

-Back pain


Baby crying in the car and you can't reach her

-No sleep. And when Lacey won't sleep in her bed and I end up holding her for several hours in the middle of the night
Anyway, but it's all worth it! I just have no idea how my mom did it eight times!


once upon a poppy said...

not that i'm an expert or anything but the thing that saved me with every single baby was a swing. they all took naps in it and would sleep so good. even some nights when i thought i was going to lose it with no sleep, i would put them in there so i could rest. so if you don't have one get one! it was a lifesaver!

Lacy said...

First you are not a wimp, both ways (Epidural and natural)are unpleasant. Next, the first thing I thought when I had canyon was look at his huge eyes, the second - he looks like a monkey! If your abnormal, you're not alone. Way to stay upbeat about the whole situation! Especially about the exploding diapers. Oh and I loved the photo shoot!

Anonymous said...

Cassie, I don't think anything could be called "abnormal" because it's your own experience. But, for what it's worth my sister in law experienced the same feelings you did when her baby finally came out.

Do you pump at all? Because I might recommend doing that so Cameron can help with the feedings. That might take some of the stress off you. (Although he might hate me for saying that.) If you do ever use bottles I recommend "Dr. Browns". They really help with the gas/colic.

Coco said...

It is so worth it all. I love my family so much and the more the better.
My kiddos never had colic or explosive poops. If you are nursing it could be what your eating to cause the explosions. Good luck and enjoy this time with her. Write down as many thoughts and feelings as possible, take notes on what you did for different things and take care of yourself about all. If you aren't cared for nothing will go well. Hugs, Bobbi Jo

Jaclyn said...

I think you are being a great mom!

Anonymous said...

It gets better.
The sleeping does improve. I promise.
As for explosive diapers, good luck!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to motherhood. :) I think you are doing very well. As for the gassy/colic part. We used Dr. Brown bottles and Mylicon drops which we still use for's fabulous.

The Frosts said...

I think you can get gripe water at that Mommy and Me store on Gilbert and Southern. They might also have it at Babies R Us. My babies were never colicky, but I heard that stuff works great. Sounds like you're doing great. At least you're catching all the explosive poops. I changed my bedding like 3 times a day the first couple weeks when Emersyn was born, because I don't have a changing table, so I change her on our bed. So tiring, but so rewarding! I have a nasty cough, so I don't know when I'll get to see her. We need to have a girl's night sometime when you feel more comfortable bringing her out.

JackandJaneyNichols said...

Everything you're going through sounds all normal to me...especially the watching movies in the wee hrs...I remember watching american werewolf in london several times while nursing sounds like you're doing a great job though and if you can figure out ways for Cameron to help, which I know he wants to (he's so in love w/ lacy) it'll certainly help with your sleep dipravtion. Hang in there, everything gets better as time goes by.

Oh, as I remember it, I could have given birth to a monkey and wouldn't have care less, at the moment of birth that is....just relief it's out! My special time was always the first moment I had with each of my babies all alone, and could really look them over and hold them tight and tell them thank you for coming to me cause I always believed they had a choice.

Scott and Kim said...

Hey Cass- Sounds like she might have reflux. Ask your pediatrician about the symptoms. Bryce was refluxy and we did give him gripe water which helped a little, but when he went on reflux medicine, it was so much better! In the meantime, Sprouts or Fry's should have gripe water in their baby section. You can always call me if you have questions about it. Good luck!

Jenny said...

Yes I have had a colic baby, and it's sooooo hard when they cry you want to cry just know you are not alone! I felt very alone at times, please call me if you need to talk, I know you are a strong person and will make it through this next 3 months I promise eventually most of the crying will stop, one day she will just be the happiest baby, hang in there!