Friday, July 31, 2009

The "Other" Tattoo

I say that an email address is like unto a tatoo. You may or may not like it years from when you chose it. But you're stuck with it no matter what. (not saying anything bad about tattoos)

So I chose "fundip511" when I was 16. I liked the candy. The name was picked on a whim. I've always kept it and used yahoo 'cause I like the format the best.

Ever done something really embarrassing but don't realize how humiliating it was until a couple of years later when you think, "I was a buffoon!" ?

The story is that I worked for a professor at BYU as his teaching assistant. It was a humongous class of 300 called World Civilizations. On the first day of each semester, he would put my email address on the overhead and it was projected on this gigantic screen in the auditorium. And there it was. My professional email. The one people would look to for help in the class and to set tutoring times:

Did I mention that many people have said over the years that they didn't open an email from me because they thought it was some racy, bad person??? I thought back then that you could only have one yahoo address under your name. So when I started teaching I made a hotmail and never liked using hotmail so I've kept fundip.I

Why oh why do I still use that address?

This all hit me the other day when I got an email from an old professor who now teaches in England. I thought, "He has carried that ridiculous address with him for 6 years now." I hope he doesn't think I'm a pervert.

Ugggh. I cringe.


Christa Jeanne said...

Awwww - I always thought it was cute, Cassie! Don't people know what fundip is?

I'm totally in the same boat, though - mine's cougarita_la_segunda. Long, difficult to spell, and the term "cougar" has taken on quite the different meaning since I came up with it 10 years ago ("cougar" for BYU + "-ita" because I studied Spanish FOREVER). At my current job, my coworkers were like "what?!" when I told them my Yahoo! messenger ID. Oh my. I got mocked for that for a while...

Jaclyn said...

My 1st email account was under it wasn't until I got married that I just stopped using that account and made a more typical one using my name. But, I do like Fun Dips! :)

Ashley Harris said...

Cass - I laughed during this whole email. You make me smile. It was SO great having you over the other day. We need to do it again, SOON, and definitely lots once my sweet, wonderful, drive me up the wall twins are back in preschool!!!

Carly Nichols said...

Cassie I love the clock on the left side of the blog! Did you build it? Does it come in black and brown? I love your crafts! I wish I could buy them all! :)